Use your imagination by experiencing arts.
It can be a way to stimulate your imagination. With too much thinking, you can get locked. Thinking is often linear, but you may have less of an eye for the side roads and views.
A good novel or movie can do wonders, because it provides new insights. The same goes for a song or perhaps a painting. If you’ve seen an inspiring book, an appealing film or another piece of art, please share it with us. We will present it on our website, so that others can also be helped with it.

Do it!
Just taking the first steps in your future life.
A completely different way to go is to simply take steps. If you are in an undesirable situation, it can help to do something. For example, volunteering or visiting a community center. Maybe you can put something of yourself in the hobby workshop or a library is a better place for you. Invite friends over and host a meal. Join a sports club or other association.

Search for and give meaning to your life by helping others.
It gives a lot of positive energy when you can help others. Even if you may not have it easy yourself. Giving gives you satisfaction and a positive feeling in return. Who doesn’t want to live a meaningful life in which you do something good for others or – to use a different image – in which you make the world a little more beautiful. Especially when you have had bad experiences and your trust in people has been dented, it can also be meaningful for yourself to do the right thing.

It starts with a positive mindset and being open to others.
Dreaming is beautiful, but you can’t spin wool from it. That’s why it’s good to take your dream one step at a time. It starts with systematic and disciplined work on where you ultimately want to get to. It is precisely when you don’t take too big steps that you move forward and you can get satisfaction from every step you have taken. A small side note: self-discipline is good, but it is also good to be with a certain relaxation and certainly not rigid in it.

Try to share your life by making contact and be part of a whole.
Don’t keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, but share them with others: that helps to let your mind flow. When others can empathize with you, you are at least less alone. And maybe those others will give you ideas for an action perspective. Then pay attention to those others yourself and pay attention that it is not always about you.

Asking for help
Nobody is independent. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.
In addition to sharing your thoughts and feelings, you can also ask for help. There may be people around you who are willing to do so. Or else there are people from social organisations, for example in the community centre or a telephone helpline, who are willing to assist you. They have experience and often have good ideas to take the next steps.

Making plans
Think of the (first) steps you take to realize your dreams.
Turning your dream into plans can give a lot of positive energy. Making plans gives clarity about your dreams. What exactly does that dream look like? Is it consistent and realistic? Is she really right for me? How can I take the first steps? Just making plans gives energy, but of course it is also the intention to take steps towards realization.

It ís possible!
Be alert to negative thinking and giving up too quickly.
One of the most tragic ways to hold yourself captive is with the thought that your dreams cannot be realized. While it can be realistic to pursue your ideals.

Being creative
Why not take the long way? It can be a learning or pleasurable way.
Art can be inspiring, but it may be more effective when you are creative. Creatively shaping your life or even turning your life into a work of art. You don’t have to be a gray mouse. Newcomers bring their colour to Europe and it can be a huge relief when you feel free to be yourself.

Just take your first steps, but study to gain in expertise during the way.
In addition to self-discipline, doing things and making plans, studying is a special way to achieve your dreams. A study offers you extra baggage and brings you new insights. Perhaps it is already clear that you need a study if you want to realize your ideals. People who want to become doctors or diplomats, for example.

Inner grow
Use all your experiences (positive and negative) to enrich yourself.
Perhaps the outer circumstances of your life are not optimal. Then you can work on that, but you can also strive for spiritual independence. Or a little less dependence. Try to deepen yourself spiritually. For example, by developing virtues, by trying to live better.

Be aware of what’s holding you back and get around it.
There may be all kinds of thresholds in yourself or in your life that prevent you from realizing your dreams. A disbelief in possibilities, for example, is such a barrier. Do some self-examination and try to find out where your thresholds and blind spots are. Talk to someone else about it. Check whether your thresholds are realistic and try to lower or circumvent them.